Mrs. Asma Shaikh


Nursing Tutor in Child Health (Paediatric) Nursing specialization, Sancheti Institute of Nursing Education having total 3 years of experience in the field of Nursing.


 M.Sc. Nursing in Child Health (Paediatric) Nursing from Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Nursing Pune-411030. (2019-2021)
 B.Sc. Nursing from Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Nursing Pune-411030. (2014 – 2018) (Including 6 months internship)


 Nursing Tutor: Total 1 year 10 months as a Nursing Tutor Since March 2023 working with Sancheti Institute of Nursing Education, Pune
 B.Sc. (N) Staff Nurse: 1 year experience at Bharati Hospital & Research Centre, Pune



 Workshop attended on lactation management module. (12/04/2019)
 Workshop attended on First-Aid and Emergency medical services (EMS) under
National Service Scheme
 Workshop attended on National neonatal resuscitation program in 2019.
 Workshop attended on Inspiring teachers strengthening generation (25th to 27th
November 2019)
 Workshop attended on Pediatric Basic life support.
 Organized and conducted skill station on PNC care for 3rd years Nursing in
2017-2018. ( Nursing)
 Participated in OBG skill station at Symbiosis College of nursing.



 International Conference attended on “Research idea in nursing ”
 Paper presentation in National conference on nurses for the next decade on the topic
“Knowledge on Home management of Hemodialysis among patients receiving Hemodialysis”



 Gold medallist in M.Sc. Nursing in the speciality Child Health Nursing



 “Knowledge on Home management of Hemodialysis among patients receiving
Hemodialysis” (International journal of applied research indexed under UGC,
Accepted- 2018)
“Knowledge regarding consequences of early marriage among adolescent girls from
schools and junior colleges” (Alinteri Journal of agricultural science
(Multidisciplinary) indexed under WOS, ESCI. Accepted- 2021)

Admission's Enquiry