Sancheti Healthcare Academy



  1. The students should be regular and punctual to the college and maintain attendance as per guidelines given by MUHS.
  2. Students should maintain proper behavior within the college and in clinics, including bedside manners, etiquettes and soft
  3. Students are expected to respect and greet not only the physiotherapy staff, but other authorities as well.
  4. All students need to carry their complete clinical kits for clinical sessions daily. Non compliance may result in removal from the clinics.
  5. It is mandatory for all students to wear their ID Cards during college & clinical hours.
  6. Students should read the notices regularly from the collegenotice board, college website, and official WhatsApp group, so as not to miss any important information.
  7. The college cannot accept any damage to its property and students are strictly prohibited to write or make undesirablesketches on the walls/ furniture tops and doors etc.
  8. Smoking, drugs and alcohol are strictly prohibited in the college campus and if found in acts of being indulged, students will be rusticated from the college temporarilyor permanently depending on the nature of the involvement.
  9. Students should not discriminate against anyoneon the basis of religion, caste, sexual orientation, gender etc. and maintain good rapport with colleagues, other students and staff.
  10. Students should not indulge in any form of ragging. Ragging is strictly prohibited within and outside the college campus. Any such act will be liable for punishment against the Maharashtra Prohibition of Ragging Act 1999.
  11. Students should not indulge in any form of malpractice/ unfair means during any exams (including, but not limited to internal assessment, college exams and University exams). Involvement in any malpractices will be liable for punishment against the Maharashtra Prevention of Malpractices at University act 1982 and MUHS Conduct of Exams and Use of unfair means at exams ordinance 01/2014.
  12. Students driving two-wheelersshould have a valid driving licence and MUST wear a helmet. Students are encouraged NOT to get four wheelers to college/ clinics.
  13. Sancheti Healthcare Academy and Sancheti College of Physiotherapy is a ‘Plastic Free Zone’. Thus, single use plastic bottles are banned on campus. You may carry reusable metal/ glass bottles. Grade +4 or +5 BPA free plastic bottles are allowed.
  14. Students are not permitted to bunk class and clinics or visit the canteen during class timings.
  15. Eating in the classroom is strictly prohibited
  16. Students must make sure to switch off the lights, A/C and projector when not in use. Kindly ensure that the classroom doors are kept closed while the AC is on to prevent wastage of electricity.
  17. Kindly use the water resources carefully and prevent wastage of water as it is a precious resource.
  18. Using Mobile Phone for unofficial purposes in the class, library and clinical posting without prior permission is strictly prohibited. Studentsfound using mobile phones (including usage on smart-watch) during classroom or clinics, shall be subjected to disciplinary action (including confiscation of mobile phone for minimum 24 hours).
  19. Kindly use the apron (white coat) with professional dignity and with respect. Usage of aprons in transit and for any undue advantages is strictly prohibited and will be delt with strictly. Students should wear their aprons in the college premises and in clinical postings while on duty. Kindly ensure to follow the dress code strictly.


  1. College timing is from 9:00 AM to 5.00 PM
  2. Reach clinical posting area at 9.00 AM
  3. If a student reaches college/ clinics after 9:15am, they will be marked as Late. Three late marks will be considered as one absent mark. Also, students reaching college/ clinics after 9.30am will be marked as Absent.


  1. Students should strictly follow the attendance guidelines of MUHS and Sancheti College. Attendance less than the prescribed guidelines, may result in prohibitionof the students from appearing IA and MUHS exams or non-submission of the exams forms or withholding of the hall tickets as per circumstances.
  2. MUHS eligibility criteria to appear for MUHS examination: Theory 75% & Practical &/or Clinical 80 %. If attendance is less than the prescribed norms, studentswill need to compensate the same and/ or will not be permitted to appear for the exams. Such cases will be considered on merit and the decision of the Head of the Institute shall be final and abiding on everyone.
  3. College criteria for appearing for terminal exams is 50% attendance and for prelims exams is 65% attendance. If attendance is less than the prescribed norms, studentswill need to compensate the same and/ or will not be permitted to appear for the exams and/ or results will be withheld till the desired attendance is completed.
  4. In case of medical leave, it is mandatory to submit medical certificate if the leave is more than TWO days


  1. Pre-Terminal: Students having attendance < 50% in theory (subject wise) &/or clinics will be subjected to compensation and Terminal result will be withheld till completion of compensation
  2. Students having attendance < 75% theory (subject wise) &/or <80% in clinics at the end of academic year will be subjected to compensation during preparatory leave, if any
  3. In case of failure to complete compensation for attendance, MUHS Exam hall-ticket will be withheld
  4. Students with attendance < 65% at end of academic year will not be allowed to fill MUHS Exam form


  1. Maintain a professional appearance and manners and comply with the recommended dress code.
  2. Nails should be short and clean. Wearing bright nail paint is strictly prohibited.
  • Recommended Dress Code.
  • Wear clean and ironed aprons within the college & clinical premises.

Female students

  • To wear Kurtis below knee level.
  • Kurtis that don’t have side cuts/ slits can be worn with leggings, otherwise Palazzo/ loose pants are compulsory.
  • Hair should not be left open. It should be neatly tied.

Male students

  • To wear trousers and a formal shirt.
  • Formal shoes (No floaters or chappals)
  • Well groomed and appropriately shaved


  1. If any student fails to attend the scheduled internal exam due to medical reason, he/she should inform the class coordinator on the same day of leave and submit the application along with relevant documents via email on stating the reason for absenteeism.
  2. Within two days of resuming the college, the student should submit the application requesting to re-conduct the exam to the Chairperson of the Examination Failing to do so the internal examination will not be re-conducted.
  3. For repeater IA examination student will pay 100/- per paper (or Rs. 400/- for all papers) and inform about the same to class coordinator
  4. Any malpractices in the exams are forbidden and strict disciplinary action will be taken on students engaging in any kind of exam malpractice
  5. Students shall keep their parents informed regularly about their performance in studies and any other problems
  6. Students should  report 15 mins prior to the given examination time.
  7. College ID card should be worn throughout the duration of the examinations
  8. Students should cooperate at the time of frisking. They should show the belongings they are carrying in the examination hall as well as empty the pockets.
  9. Students can enter the examination hall once frisking is complete and be seated quietly.
  10. Drinking water and sanitiser to be carried by the student in a transparent water bottle.
  11. Stationary to be carried in transparent pouches. Sharing of stationary is strictly prohibited during the examinations.
  12. Full sleeve apparel should not be worn during the examination.
  13. Students are instructed to wear floaters or sandals to the examination. SHOES are strictly prohibited. Students wearing shoes will have to remove them outside the exam hall.
  14. Following things are NOT to be carried in the examination hall
  • Mobile phones or any electronic gadgets
  • Wallets
  • Writing boards
  • Wrist watch
  • Socks
  • Chits or writing material
  1. Leave the examination hall and the college premises immediately once the examination is over. Avoid crowding both outside and inside the institute.